Gold Bumping

ATP can provide gold (Au) bumping for the Flip Chip Assembly. Gold bumps are used to eliminate wire bonding which will improve electrical performance at higher frequencies by inverting a compatible device directly onto the gold bumps.

The bumps are a high purity, plated Au. They are fabricated using a photolithographic process that ensures precise, repeatable placement onto the circuits. The top diameter of the bump will be slightly smaller than the diameter of the base. The bumps are designed solely for thermal compression attachment methods with gold.

Gold bumps are compatible with many of the other capabilities offered by ATP such as integrated resistors, conductive vias, polyimide bridges and solder dams. This allows you to minimize your assembly steps and optimize your design.


Typical gold bump height is:
0.001" (25.4microns) typical, 50µm max

Typical gold bump diameter is:
0.001" (25.4microns) typical

Minimum distance between bumps and circuit edge is: 0.001" (25.4microns) typical

Minimum distance between bumps and conductor edge is: 0.0005" (12.7microns) typical

Gold bumping
Gold bumping
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Gold Bumping

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Fractal Fasten

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Packaging/Chip Trays


Integrated TaN Resistors


Thin Film Resistor and Multi-Tap


Laser Resistor Trimming


